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Alaska South Central Pop Warner


About Us -


ASCPW uses the official rule book of Pop Warner Little Scholars which has strict rules regarding safety of the players. All players are required to have 10 hours of conditioning without gear and 10 hours of practice with full gar before participating in a game. Weigh-ins are conducted before each game to ensure a level playing field and that all required paperwork is in place. The Mandatory Play Rule (MPR) is strictly followed to ensure that all players have the opportunity to participate in the game. All teams in the league are guaranteed 8 official games in the regular season not counting play-offs.

ASCPW stresses the importance of scholastic achievement, requiring a 2.0 to participate in games. We combine sports and scholastics for a positive experience. ASCPW recognizes scholastic achievement an annual Sean McAlpine Scholastic and Volunteer Banquet.  In addition, the National Pop Warner organization recognizes these same achievements with their National scholastic awards banquet.  Athletes with less than a 2.0 may participate but are required to submit progress reports once school is in session. For more information on scholastics – see the Scholastics tab.

What to Expect:

Costs -

$215 Registration Fee - Covers field permits, referees, insurance, toilets, PWLS fees & other administrative/operating costs

$15 Processing fee - Helps league cover online processing costs

$35 Team Admin Fee - Goes directly to your team

$70 Custom Game Jersey - You get to keep

$100 Equipment Rental (Contact the office if you have your own equipment.)

Total to register: $435.00

Practice – Up to 5 nights per week


  •  Practice schedule and location will be sent out by coach at the beginning of July – varies by team & division
  •  First 10 hours of practice are strictly conditioning  – no pads/ no contact
  •  Before Labor Day: No more than 2.5 hours per night / 10 hours per week
  •  After Labor Day: No more than 2 hours per night / 6 hours per week

Games -


  • Games are mostly played on Sundays, although you may have some weeknight & Saturday games
  • Your Association may plan to travel to Soldotna for at least one game per season
  • Every team plays a minimum of 8 games per season
  • Mandatory Play Requirements (MPR) ensure EVERY player on the team gets a minimum of 8 plays per game (# depends on size of team)
  • Games are played at: Stan Brown Memorial Fields (Lion's Park in Eagle River), Anchorage High Schools/Middle Schools and Mat-Su Valley High Schools/Middle Schools.

Equipment & Jerseys -


  • Your registration fees include a custom jersey for you to keep
  • Rental equipment is available for all Associations. For more information visit the Equipment tab
  • Each player will need: Game jersey, helmet, mouth guard, shoulder pads, game pants, socks, cleats.
  • IF YOU HAVE YOUR OWN HELMET: Please make sure it is has been NOCSAE recertified if is it used. See the equipment tab for more information.

After you've registered -


Each participant will need to bring the following to their first practice:

  • Expect to be contacted by your coach or team parent for details on practice locations/times in early July.

  • Email is the primary method of communication - be sure to check your junk mail if you have not received any communications from you Association. Association staff may contact you in the spring/summer to notify you of upcoming events (camps, Association BBQ's ect.)

ASC does not have team boundaries; instead, chosen areas for practice convenience.
Here are the general areas our Associations cover:
Cowboys:West Anchorage Panthers:
Eagle River
 Buccaneers:Southeast Anchorage
 Seahawks:Mat-Su Valley (Wasilla)
 Eagles:East Anchorage
Mat-Su Valley (Palmer)
 Jaguars:Southwest Anchorage
49er's:  Mat-Su Valley (Palmer)

Learn more on our Associations page


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