Scholastic Program
Pop Warner Little Scholars, Inc.(PWLS) is the only national youth sports organization in America that
requires its participants to perform adequately in the classroom before permitting them to play.
We believe that the standards we have set give these children a sense of responsibility and an appreciation for academics and athletics that will help them develop later on in life.
Like such organizations as the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and National Federation of High Schools (NFHS), PWLS has academic guidelines and criteria that need to be met in order for a child to participate.
Scholastic Fitness: National Policy
Proof of satisfactory progress in school is required. A 2.0/70% or the equivalent shall be the minimum grade point average acceptable to participate. In cases of doubt, conflict of opinion, or if a valid report card is not submitted, the nationally published scholastic eligibility form shall be used and deemed final.
NOTE: This rule as it relates to scholastic grades may not be made more stringent by any team, association, or league, as other rules may be. No local team/squad may be allowed to participate in Regional/National sponsored championships or bowl games if it has not met the nationally published scholastic requirements.
Annual Scholastic & Volunteer Banquet
Each year, after proper completion of the All-American Scholar Application, ASCPW sends the applications of its most academically accomplished participants to the regional level, from the Pacific Northwest Region the top scholars are selected and sent to Pop Warner Little Scholars (nationals) where the All –American Scholars are selected.
League Criteria: Junior Peewees (10 years and older) and up with 3.5 GPA, or higher.
Regional Criteria: 96% average, or higher, for the entire school year and a completed All-American Application
National Criteria: Completed All-American Application, 5th grade or higher, 96% GPA or better and has a complete prior year's report card.
In May of each year, Alaska South Central Pop Warner hosts its Annual Sean McAlpine Scholastic & Volunteer Banquet to honor our local, regional and nationally recognized scholars and our outstanding volunteers. The event includes dinner, speeches and awards and aims to encourage and celebrate our talented student-athletes and thank the countless volunteers who make this program possible. Invitations are sent mid-April and are addressed to the honored scholar. If your player receives one, they are being recognized at the event! More information here.