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Alaska South Central Pop Warner


ASC Pop Warner Cheer program provides an opportunity for kids to perform with an emphasis of fun for all while encouraging the development of qualities important long after Pop Warner days are gone. The mission of Pop Warner little scholars is to enable young people to benefit from the participation in team sports and activities in a safe and structured environment. Through this active participation, ASC Pop Warner Cheer programs teach fundamental values, skills and knowledge that young people will use throughout their lives.

The participants in the Pop Warner Cheer program are unique as opposed to those of other programs. While they are taught about the values of competition, they are also maintaining their grades at a satisfactory level in order to participate and possibly attain the ultimate prize of being named a Pop Warner National Champion. 

The ASCPW Cheer Program is growing in numbers each year due to the popularity of the sport. In an effort to keep pace with the many new changes in the cheer & dance industry, there are a few basic rules that are unique to Pop Warner Cheer Squads that parents should be aware of.  Please refer to the Official Pop Warner Rulebook.

What to Expect:


  • $130 Registration Fee - covers insurance, field permits, toilet rentals and administrative costs.
  • $15 Processing Fee - helps league cover online processing fees.
  • $35 Admin Fee - goes directly to your squad.
  • $200 Uniform Fee - yours to keep & reuse.
  • Total: $380.00

  • Practice schedule and location will be sent out by coach – varies by squad & Association.
  • Practices can be held up to 5 nights a week prior to Labor Day. After Labor Day, practice days/hours normally decrease (typically 2-3 nights per week). Please note: practice times/days are determined by your head coach (within the parameter of the field permitting)

NOTE: All members of the same family must be registered within the same association.

  • Games are mostly played on Sundays although you may have some weeknight & Saturday games.
  • Your Association may plan to travel to Soldotna for at least one game per season.
  • Games are played at: Stan Brown Memorial Fields (Eagle River), Anchorage High Schools and Mat-Su Valley High Schools.
  • Squads will cheer at least 1 game per weekend, possibly more depending on what your head coach decides. We strive to make sure we cheer for all football divisions twice throughout the year.

  • Uniform packages are $200
  • You will be sized for your uniform by your Association/Coach. 
  • Uniforms are distributed in July if you registered and got sized before May 30th. They will arrive later if you register/size later, it takes approximately 4-6 weeks for arrival.

Clinics & Performances
  • Associations may also host summer camps, open to all. Check the upcoming events page for camps. 
  • In October there will be a cheer showcase, in which every squad performs. Details will be announced after the season begins, by our Cheer Director. 

Practices are usually 5 nights a week prior to Labor Day or 10 hours a week. 
Practices are usually 5 nights a week prior to Labor Day or 10 hours a week. 
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