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Alaska South Central Pop Warner

Scholarship Opportunities

To apply for any of the following scholarships, please contact the commissioner of the association you will be registering with.

ASC Sponsorship 

One Per Association (8 total)

Will Cover:
$215.00 Football Registration / $130.00 Cheer Registration
$15.00 Admin Processing Fee
** Player is still responsible for $70 jersey, $35 team admin fee, and equipment rental **

Criteria/ Requirements:
Must have financial hardship, requiring assistance in order to play.
Restrictions: Chosen participant may not have received a sponsorship during the previous three seasons. (One Per Association.) 
Rental equipment is not included.

Stan D. Brown Scholarship

One Per Association (8 total)

Will Cover:
$215.00 Football Registration / $130.00 Cheer Registration
$15.00 Admin Processing Fee
** Player is still responsible for $70 jersey, $35 team admin fee, and equipment rental **

Criteria/ Requirements:
Must have 3.5+ GPA (Attach copy of 4th quarter report card to registration form)
Restrictions: Chosen participant may not have received a sponsorship during the previous two seasons.  
Rental equipment is not included.

Robbie Van Haastert Football Scholarship

One League Wide

Application Deadline: May 15th, 2024

Will Cover:
$215.00 Football Registration  / $130.00 Cheer Registration (Waived by League)
$15.00 Admin processing fee (Waived by League)
$35 Admin Fee (applied to your team)
$70 Custom Game Jersey 
$100 Equipment Rental Fee (Includes helmet & shoulder pads)
Total Value: $435/football

Criteria/ Requirements:
Must have 3.5+ GPA (Attach copy of 4th quarter report card to registration form)
Restrictions: Chosen participant may not have received a sponsorship during the previous two seasons

PLEASE NOTE: Applications are forwarded to the appropriate Association Commissioner for review. Each Association has their own review process (some Associations do not award sponsorship until June or July).

PLEASE take advantage of the payment plan option now to secure your position on a team.  If you are awarded a scholarship, you will be refunded what you have paid for the amount awarded. 

What's Next?

Applications are forwarded to the appropriate Association Commissioner for review. Each Association has their own review process (some Associations do not award sponsorship until June or July). If you want/need to take advantage of the payment plan options, PLEASE DO SO NOW. If you are awarded a scholarship, you will be refunded what you have paid for the amount awarded. 

Regardless of if you receive a scholarship or not, you will still need to create an account with you and your players information. The sooner you do that, the better. If you are awarded a scholarship, it will be provided to you in the form of a "coupon code" that you will apply during the online registration process. 
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