21st Annual Sean McAlpine
Scholastic & Volunteer Banquet
May 2025
In May of each year, Alaska South Central Pop Warner hosts its Annual Sean McAlpine Scholastic & Volunteer Banquet to honor our local, regional and nationally recognized scholars and our outstanding volunteers. The event includes dinner, speeches and awards and aims to encourage and celebrate our talented student-athletes and thank the countless volunteers who make this program possible. Invitations are sent mid-April and are addressed to the honored scholar. If your player receives one, they are being recognized at the event.
The 2025 banquet will be held in May. Honored scholars attend free, but we ask that all other attendees purchase tickets. Dinner is provided and each scholar will receive an award and be recognized for their accomplishments.
League Criteria: Junior Peewees (10 years old +) and up, with a reported GPA of 3.5 and up for entire school year or just 4th quarter.
Regional Criteria: 90% average, or higher, for the entire school year and a completed All-American application.
National Criteria: Completed All-American Application, 5th grade or higher, 96% GPA or better and has a complete prior year's report card.